Thursday 21 August 2008

Wake Up and Feed The Bunnies

Sharon writes:

30 July would have been my Dad's birthday. He died in 2006. You can see pictures on him on my website HERE

I'd been depressed for months and need something to change. We thought about getting a rabbit. Something to make me get up in the morning. But we were worried about animals living long past our retirement, Selfish, I know,

Dolly and Molly were up for adoption in our local pet shop. They're five years old so won't live another ten years. Although they are already subject to "Queen Mother Syndrome" and are being too wll looked after. They had different stupid names but we changed them to the current stupid names.

It took them a few days to settle down but they're a real joy. Two completely different characters.

They do make me get up in the morning. I love it when it's sunny (which isn't often) and they can go in their portable run - their "playpen" - on the grass. We don't have to get the lawnmower out any more!

Dad loved rabbits, Either I got him a present or he got me one!

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